Week 1, Thursday, Galatians

By Rev. Sunil Balasundaram

Thursday, Galatians 1:10-12


Bible Passage

It is dangerous when the primary motivation for doing anything is so that people will like us – we become “people-pleasers.” Paul was intentional in keeping Jesus as central in his life, relying on what he (Jesus) revealed to him, and what pleased him. He refused to become enslaved to other people’s opinions and whims not only because they contradicted what pleased God, but also because he considered Jesus as his Master, not public opinion. And the good-news-of-Jesus revelation to him filled him with conviction of Who he belonged to!

Where and how do you draw the line between being agreeable (“winsome”) and not becoming a “people-pleaser”? Why was it so important for Paul to state that his gospel was revealed by Jesus himself (and not any other human)? What does it mean to be “Christ’s slave” (that is the original Greek word)?



I love you Lord Jesus, and I want to do what you tell me. But sometimes I am swept away by what others think of me, and I am tempted to please them instead of you. I unconsciously make public opinion my master, not you. Forgive me Lord. Speak to me through your Word because I want to hear your voice over the distracting, enticing voices all around me. I want to live and preach your good news, and you alone. Amen.

Song: “God-pleaser” (Petra)

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