
A church isn’t just a building, it’s a body of believers who talk, laugh, eat, serve, and support each other through the ups and downs of life. Check out the many different ways we offer to do just that!

Fall Retreat

Saturday, October 19, 8:30 am – 12:00 pm


When was the last time you found yourself in a difficult position stuck for the right words? Perhaps a friend shared some tragic news, you were in a receiving line at a funeral, or you walked into a hospital room with sweaty palms to visit someone. This seminar will give you the insight needed for conversations with people who are hurting whether you are in Starbucks, someone’s home, the hospital, or at a funeral. We will use role-playing examples so you are better equipped for difficult visits. While it is not required you may want to purchase the book “What To Say To People Who Are Hurting” by Laurie Lewis, from Amazon.

All are welcome!

For more info or to join, Email Laurie Lewis



1 Saturday per month from 4:30-6:30 pm (Returns November 2)

DUMC’s Worship & Youth Center

Current Study: “The Good Life” by Dr. Derwin L. Gray

Nourish exists to nourish your body (with a potluck dinner) and your soul (with God’s Word). We will be looking at the Beatitudes that Jesus gave in His Sermon on the Mount and discussing how we can live “the good life” by striving to make them the rhythm of our lives.

We hope that you will join Pastor Paul and Elise on the first Saturday of each month (unless otherwise noted) for this nourishing small group.

Open to everyone. Families welcome. Childcare provided. Bring a dish.

Sign-up HERE to bring a dish of your choice.
For more information, Email Pastor Paul


Wesley Class (Adult Sunday School class)

Sunday mornings from 9:00-10:00 am

DUMC’s Room 2

Current Study: “TBA”
The Wesley Class has nine teachers who lead the class, each doing so for one month at a time. The first 15-minutes are spent in fellowship, followed by 45-minutes of class study and discussion. We close with prayer concerns and The Lord’s Prayer. Wesley attendees have one social / fellowship event each month. Participants range in age from the 40s to the 90s, with high school and college students occasionally sitting in. Everyone is welcome!
Initially a couples group formed 40 years ago we have developed strong and cherished bonds navigating the joys and trials of parenthood together. We are now navigating the joys and trials of a later season in life and would love to have you be part of the journey. Please join us for Bible study and conversation on Sundays at 9:00 am and monthly social outings.
To sign up, Email Betsy Bishop

Congregational Care Team

Monday afternoons from 1:00-2:30 pm

DUMC’s Room 2

This group meets weekly for a brief devotional/study, and to pray for the needs of our congregation.
For more info or to join, Email Laurie Lewis


Monday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm (Returns Fall 2024)

DUMC’s Room 2

Join us for a small group, open, round table discussion of religious (and maybe even “non-religious”) questions with various possible answers. This will be an open and safe space to share your thoughts, ideas, and differing points of view. The goal of these group discussions is not to necessarily identify absolute unequivocal answers, but rather to share differing points of view and broaden our own thoughts on topics of interest. Topics can be provided by the attendees or selected randomly from pre-prepared questions/statements. Everyone is welcome!
To sign up, Email Pastor Sunil

NSGT (Nameless Small Group of Troublemakers)

Monday evenings from 6:00-7:30 pm

DUMC’s Room 22

Current Study: “TBC”

This group is currently at capacity.

Please Email Pastor Paul to find out if there is room in the future.



Small Group @ Frikke-Schmidt’s & Steward’s Homes

Every other Monday evening (email for exact times)

Homes of DUMC members

Current Study: “Romans” by N.T. Wright
This group rotates between two different homes of current group members.
For more info or to join, Email Pastor Paul

Pastor Paul’s Online Bible Study

Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:00 pm (Returns 9/17)

Online (Zoom)

Current Study:The Good Life” by Dr. Derwin L. Gray

We will continue working through a study by Dr. Derwin Gray (former NFL defensive back turned pastor) called “The Good Life,” which focuses on how we can make Jesus’ Beatitudes the rhythm of our lives.

If you’ve ever found yourself wanting to be a part of a small group or Bible study but you can’t ever seem to find the time in the craziness of life to make it work, then this small group is perfect for you because you don’t even have to leave your house!

Everyone is welcome!
For more information, to sign up, or for the Zoom link, Email Pastor Paul

Pastor Sunil’s Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Wednesday mornings from 10:00-11:30am (Returns 9/18)

DUMC’s Room 2


In this 6-session video-based study, the drama and immediacy of motion pictures are used to compare, well and little-known film portraits of Jesus with the Jesus of the Bible. In each session, you’ll obtain fresh, uncluttered perspectives on history’s central figure—his radical claims, his challenging teachings, and his effect on others . . . including you. You’ll make life-changing discoveries about God, the Bible, and yourself. Best of all, you’ll come face-to-face with the most compelling, creative, challenging, fearless, unpredictable, and ultimately satisfying person anyone can know: Jesus Christ. Watch video.

Closer to the start date you can sign up in the lobby or through the eConnections newsletter to let us know you’re coming. Everyone is welcome!
For more information or to sign up. Email Pastor Sunil


College & Young Adult Online Small Group – Watch Video

Wednesday evenings at 6:00 pm

Current Study: TBA

We are working on starting up a small group for college age/young adults that will meet online, Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. The reason we are going the online route is so that we all can get together no matter where we are in the world (e.g., college, living out-of-state, or right here in Doylestown, but you don’t want to leave your house). Our meetings will include video-based studies and discussion about topics that are relevant to real life. Adulting is hard, but life is better when we figure it out together. We hope you will check out this group and grow together in the community.

This group will likely begin in September (stay tuned for a start date) and will be led by Prerna BalaEddy and Pastor Paul. Here is a video from Prerna introducing herself and explaining a little more about the group, what we’ll be discussing, and more.

For more information or to sign up. Email Pastor Paul

Midweek Seekers

Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm

Current Study: TBA – The next study will begin after Wednesday, March 27, stay tuned for updates.
Everyone is welcome!
For more information or to sign up. Email Cindy Betancourt

NEW! Pastor Sunil’s Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:15pm (Begins 9/18)

DUMC’s Room 2


A 12-week Biblical experience that brings you closer to the answers to questions you may have: How can I know God and experience him in my life? How can I hear his voice? What is God’s plan for my life? Why do I need church? How can my church be God’s instrument for building his Kingdom? Workbook with video access.

Closer to the start date you can sign up in the lobby or through the eConnections newsletter to let us know you’re coming. Everyone is welcome!
To sign up, Email Pastor Sunil

Book Discussion Group

4th Sunday of each month @ 4:00 pm (3:00 pm during the winter months)
DUMC’s Room 2


The Book Discussion Group reads and discusses books that, while not overtly Christian, offer insight into the world as it exists. This helps us understand how to follow the teachings of Jesus in that world. In choosing titles, we attempt to include selections from diverse cultures, different points of view, and a variety of time periods. We welcome new members and are always open to suggestions for good books. Click here for current list of books.
To sign up or learn more, Email Betsy Bishop

Pins and Needles

Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30 am
DUMC’s Room 2
If you enjoy knitting and other needle crafts, this group is for you! We meet at the church to work on our projects and have fellowship with one another. Please feel free to join us whenever you are able. Beginners welcome!
To sign up, call (215-345-9079) or Email Kathy Kugel


Lenten Soup Suppers

Wednesday evenings during Lent
6:00 pm (Soup Supper), 7:00 pm (Worship Service)


Each year, we host a series of Soup Suppers during the season of Lent. Beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing for the following five weeks, we gather for a simple meal of soup, bread, coffe, and fruit, then join together in the Sanctuary for Worship. It takes the help of many volunteers to make this happen by providing pots of soup, helping with the set up, serving, or cleaning-up. All church members and friends are invited to join us as we prepare our hearts and minds for the Easter season.
For more info, please contact our church office at 215-348-5224