

Children’s Music

The Cast of 
“The Legend of the Christmas King”

Welcome to Music for Kids at DUMC!

Our music programs welcome the novice through the accomplished performer.
We love having our kids engaged in all aspects of worship.
Music is a fun expressive way to learn about God and show His unceasing love.
Don’t be shy, make joyful noise!

Our Children’s Music Team

Stephanie Hume (Choirs)

Cherub Choir

Children ages 3 – 5 years meet during Sunday School from 9:15 – 9:30 am
and sing at the 9 am Worship Service several times during the year.

Carol and Chapel Choirs

Carol Choir (Grades 1 – 3) and Chapel Choir (Grades 4 – 6)
Thursday nights from 5 – 7pm.
The kids enjoy music and fun with one choir practicing for half the time, while the other has dinner and recreation time. In addition to singing once a month in church, they typically perform two musicals a year (December/May). No experience necessary.


Youth Choir

Students (Grades 7 – 12) meet every Sunday during the school year from 5:00 – 5:45 pm and sing once a month in church services.



Often the choirs will need the addition of instruments besides piano. Although youth musicians are primarily sought for this purpose, adults are sometimes needed.
Adult chaperones for choir celebrations are always welcome. Also, the musicals always appreciate extra skilled hands to help with costumes, scenery, and props.