Kingdom Growth

Working to foster a culture of abundance at DUMC and grow God’s Kingdom by inspiring spiritual growth through the giving of our time, talents and treasure.

To pay by check, please make your check out to Doylestown United Methodist Church.
Mail checks to: Doylestown United Methodist Church
320 East Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901 

May Mission of the Month


May’s mission is The Synergy Project. Synergy is a street outreach program of Valley Youth House. They work with youth ages 24 and below. Synergy works directly on the street with homeless youth living in cars, on the street, couch surfing, or nomadically traveling the country via freight train. Some are runaways, while others may have been or still are trafficked.

In some ways, homeless youth have a tougher time than adults, because they aren’t allowed in programs like the code blue cold weather shelters. They may also be less likely to seek help because, as a youth, they may lose control over their own situation.

The money donated over the years has been used for supplies such as tents, sleeping bags, and hand warmers. Sometimes it is used to provide gas for their cars, food, supplies, and laundry as needed.

We have seen Woody at DUMC for many years, showing up with his jeep and trailer, which provide shower facilities. Obviously, he connects with these youth and has compassion for them. Please consider supporting this worthwhile mission.

Best Regards,
Karen Condit – Outreach

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