Week 9, Wednesday, Mark 10:1-12

 Mark Devotionals

by, Rev. Sunil Balasundaram

Go to Mark 10:1-12

[Please do read the passage before (or after) reading the devotion.]


The marriage relationship was completely God’s idea! He built it into Creation, when He made everything else, and it is that same “creation perspective” that Jesus reminds us of when we bring up any issues that have to do with marriage. Jesus was reminding people that marriage was as much to do with a new identity as it had to do with procreation. It is true that marriage was to bring a woman and man together in order to do what the rest of Creation Days #5 & #6 living creatures were to do: to be fruitful and increase. But for humans it is so much more. Marriage would be the formation of a whole new identity – one from two. It was within this kind of marriage relationship that two individuals were to experience and behold a mutual transformation and pleasure of each other that God intended. So, before we find fault with any other person or relationship, let those of us who are spouses ask ourselves: What have I given of myself to contribute to this “new identity/creation” that God wants me to be an integral part of? How has every facet of our relationship – physical, emotional/intellectual, social, spiritual – been geared towards a “oneness” that grows…and shows?


Prayer: Thank you Almighty God, that you made us humans to be and grow in relationship with each other. You gave us the abilities and gifts to enjoy these relationships; most importantly you put inside us an essential ingredient – love. You know that the only way we can “grow up” is to use this love in our relationships – as you intend us to. But sin has messed up the love you created me with. I see relationships for what I can get out of them. I may not admit it Lord, but so often even my marriage is tainted with a selfishness that subtracts from that growing oneness and newness you intend for all married couples to have. Forgive me, Lord. I need your love in my heart so very much. Only with your love in me can I give of myself to another as you would want me to, according to your plan to make “two” a whole new “one”. Amen.

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