Kingdom Growth

Working to foster a culture of abundance at DUMC and grow God’s Kingdom by inspiring spiritual growth through the giving of our time, talents and treasure.

To pay by check, please make your check out to Doylestown United Methodist Church.
Mail checks to: Doylestown United Methodist Church
320 East Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901 



September’s Mission of the Month (MOM) is Doylestown Area FISH, which is a fully volunteer run organization. In 1973, the Christian Coalition founded FISH to address the needs of the unhoused members of our community. With the generous help from local churches, individuals, and organizations, FISH aims to provide temporary shelter, gasoline cards, food, and transportation for those in need. A more recent program was established to address housing insecurity by providing rental assistance, helping with utility bills, heating oil charges, and auto repair bills. Our volunteers strive to assist callers by identifying needs and services. Our goal is to find solutions to end homelessness and housing insecurity. We are grateful for the support of Doylestown United Methodist Church.