
Book Discussion Group

The Doylestown United Methodist Church Book Discussion Group reads and discusses books that, while not overtly Christian, offer insight into the world as it exists. This helps us understand how to follow the teachings of Jesus in that world. In selecting titles we attempt to include selections from diverse cultures, different points of view, and a variety of time periods. We welcome new members and are always open to suggestions for good books. We meet on the fourth Sunday (shifting for public holidays) at 4:00pm (3:00 pm in winter months) at DUMC in room 2. For more information, contact Besty Bishop, 914-473-4616.

fun fest/end of year party

The Doylestown United Methodist end of the year party is held in June at DUMC. It is a great way to get to know more people in our church family. We have grilled food and entertainment for the kids (and kids at heart). We welcome anyone who would like to help volunteer, setup games, arrange food, and help with other details! Rain location: Overholt Hall

Lenten Soup Suppers

Each year we begin our observation of Lent by hosting a series of Soup Suppers. Beginning with Ash Wednesday and continuing for the following five weeks. We gather for a simple meal of soup and bread, then join together in the sanctuary for worship. It takes the help of many volunteers to make this happen by providing pots of soup, helping with the set-up, serving, and cleaning-up. All church members and friends are invited to join us as we prepare our hearts and minds for the Easter season.

Pins and Needles

If you enjoy knitting and other needle-crafts, this group is for you! We meet at DUMC in room 2 on Fridays from 9:30 – 11:30am to work on our projects and have fellowship with one another. Please feel free to join us whenever you are able. Beginners welcome! For more information, contact Kathy Kugel, 215-345-9079.