Apportionment Ministerial Education Fund

The Ministerial Education Fund was established by action of the 1968 General Conference. It is nurtured and funded by United Methodists to provide vitally needed scholarships through annual conferences, essential funds for the support of our 13 United Methodist seminaries in the United States, programs that encourage men and women to respond to the call to ordained ministry, continuing-education opportunities for pastors across the connection and course-of-study education for local pastors. Every clergyperson who has served in The United Methodist Church over the past 50 years has been shaped in part by the ministries and institutions supported by the Ministerial Education Fund.

Did you know United Methodist have raised over $800 million to support clergy ordinations Over 40 years?

The funds collected over the years have provided scholarships through Annual Conferences as well as support the 13 United Methodist seminaries in 11 states.

At least 75% of the receipts goes to the theological schools of The United Methodist Church on a formula established by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. These seminaries depend on this fund to equip leaders with transforming impact. Of the total money raised in each annual conference, the annual conference retains 25% to use in its program of ministerial education as approved by the annual conference and administered through its Board of Ordained Ministry.

Did you know 25% of Ministerial Education Funds stay in local UM Annual Conferences?

These funds are used to assist candidates for ministry, support continuing education for pastors and clergy recruitment and provide financial aid for students in your annual conference.

Your Giving Equips Leaders for Ministry

Your giving makes it possible for leaders who’ve been called and gifted by God to faithfully serve The United Methodist Church. It supports our seminaries, it provides scholarships to students and it meets the needs of people in ministry today.
Rev. DaeHwa Park, serving in the Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference, insists, “It was the grace of the Holy Spirit that drove me to the call to ministry.” In fact Park was ten years-old when he heard a message on salvation during a revival service at Wonpo Methodist Church, South Korea. In cooperation with the Spirit, the Ministerial Education Fund has made Park’s response to God’s call possible.

Together We’re Blessing the Church

God continues to call into service people like Reverend Park. And because of the Ministerial Education Fund, those who’ve been gifted to lead the church are able to say yes to that call.
If you feel inspired to contribute to the Doylestown United Methodist Church, click the “Give Now” button below.
Articles provided by United Methodist Communications